Business Database Systems

Ph: 312.513.5453

CRM – Customer Relationship Management !!!

Keeping track of all your customers cases, is no easy feat. We try to make notes keep texts emails excel files regarding it all. The problem with this approach is this system is fragmented and is heavily dependent on a single person who makes the notes. The information is not available for other colleagues who might need to take over the project or collaborate on it. An elegant solution to this problem is having your customer information in centralized place so everyone with proper credentials will have access to the data.

Information kept in the database might be as simple as names, phone numbers, addresses. But it can be invoices, trouble tickets, purchase orders, projects etc. We can build custom containers specific to your needs and business logic. Database systems can be connected to your phone system and when a customer calls the database will find his record and present it to you so you have all the data just when you need it.

There are lots of  CRM systems available for you. Many will be hosted offsite and you will be charged per employ using the database on a monthly basis. But this is not the only way. You can have a local server and all your information will be kept on your hardware. This way you will not have recurring charges per user connecting to your CRM system. We can customize the installation and configuration of your CRM based on your needs and your budget.

Sales Management

Creating Invoices, Quotations, Sales Orders has never been easier. Integrated with a CRM system pulling customer information so you don’t need to re enter them ever again. Keep track of your quotations, customer payments, email PDF documents right from the system. No need to generate the PDF download it attach to a email. Its all done with one button click. You will be able to create detailed custom reports based on the information entered into the system your needs. Your sales team will be motivated with real time statistics on their performance. You will be able to create price lists for your customers and it will be applied automatically while creating a Quotation or an Invoice. And this is just a peak of an iceberg, contact us to get selling faster today.

Purchase Management

Creating Invoices is very common for small businesses but Purchase Orders seems to be seen in the enterprise realm. It does not need to be this way. Keeping track of Purchases is a great time and money savor for small business. You can create a PO within minutes and email it to your supplier with one click. You will be able to track what you ordered from what supplier at what price and when was it delivered to your office all in one place. No more guessing game. “Where did i purchase this ?” and logging into countless store portals to check the tracking or the order date.

First step is to create a RFQ – Request for Quotation this is a document you can email to your supplier to get a price quote. After getting the price you update your PO with the amount and confirm it. This make it a valid PO with a unique number you can track this order by. You can assign this purchase to any project or sales order you are working on to help you keep track of your costs.

When you confirm a PO couple of very important things happen. Additionally to getting a unique number two more documents are generated in the background for you.

  • Supplier Invoice for your accounting. Your account payable will know exactly what invoices they can expect in the mail  so when in a month you get that bill you will know exactly what is it for and if the price is as agreed when ordering.
  • Incoming Shipment notification for your shipping and receiving department. When UPS or Fedex shows up on your doorstep you will not need to run around the office to find out what “THIS” is who ordered “IT” and what order does it belong to.

Project Management

Managing large projects can be daunting. If you divide it into small manageable tasks it becomes much easier to handle. Project Management will keep track of all the tasks and information associated with them. The data can be presented in many ways depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Kanban, Gant Chart, Calendar view are just a few. You can group your task into projects, assign task to employs and more.

Using a Project Management system will make your life much easier. You can take a look at the big picture as well as to the minute details of every task your team is doing, was done or needs to do. Collaboration is key, the information is available at real time for all involved in the process. Don’t get buried under a pile of emails, sticky notes and other fragmented files, have the entire project neatly organized in a Project Management Database.

Warehouse Management

Decrease your process times, automate transactions, reduce your stock levels and get complete traceability on all operations with the double entry inventory system. Based on the concept of double entry that revolutionized accounting, inventory management isn’t about consumption, loss or missing products; products are just moved from one location to another. This allows full tractability (from customer to supplier, not limited to your warehouse), advanced reporting (e.g. inventory valuation on manufacturing counter-parts locations) and a very simple user interface.

Speed up operations with our dedicated barcode scanner and touch screen user interface, from which you can do all operations; receptions, picking, packing, delivery orders, internal controls, etc.

Manufacturing Resource Planning

Get all your assembly or manufacturing operations managed. Schedule manufacturing orders and work orders automatically. Review the proposed planning with the smart kanban and gantt views. Use the advanced analytics features to detect bottleneck in resources capacities and inventory locations. Get manufacturing orders and work orders scheduled automatically based on your procurement rules, quantities foretasted and dependent demand (demand for this part based on another part consuming it). Get the flexibility to create multi-level bill of materials, optional routing, version changes and phantom bill of materials. You can use BoM for kits or for manufacturing orders. Edit manually all proposed operations at any level of the progress.

Ph: 312.513.5453